Health Office

A Message from Mrs. Lamar

In the interest of the well-being of all the people in our school, please keep your child home when he/she is sick. Please have someone available to pick up your child in the event that your child becomes sick or is hurt at school. Your child may not come to school with the following:

  1. Fever of 100 degrees or above. Must be fever free for 24 hours before returning to school.
  2. Contagious disease (including pink eye and rashes)
  3. Vomiting or diarrhea

Please call the nurse whenever your child is absent. The nurse's phone number is 908-851-6488. You can also report your child's absence via e-mail by here. If your child needs medication during school hours, a doctor's note is required (even for over the counter drugs). The medication must be sent to the school in the original container.

Please cooperate with us by checking your child's health condition in the morning, and not permitting your child to return to school after an illness until he/she is completely well. In order to assure the welfare of all of our students, we will ask you to pick up your child if he/she arrives at school ill. No child can benefit from attending school if he/she is not feeling well. Thank you for your attention to these matters.


Melanie Lamar RN, CSN
School Nurse
Battle Hill Elementary

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